
Prague Summer Choral Meeting 2016: Chor des Collegium Musicum Bonn, Germany


Chor des Collegium Musicum Bonn, Germany Conductor: Ansgar Eimann Collegium Musicum was founded by the music scientist Emil Platen at the Bonn University on November 18, 1953. At the moment there are 120 singers in the choir – mainly…


Prague Summer Choral Meeting 2016: The College Barbers , Apeldoorn, the Netherlands


The College Barbers , Apeldoorn, the Netherlands Conductor: Jurrien Zaagman The College Barbers is a barbershop men's chorus from Apeldoorn, the Netherlands.


Prague Summer Choral Meeting 2016: Coro Académico da Universidade do Minho, Portugal


Coro Académico da Universidade do Minho, Portugal Conductor: Rui Paulo Teixeira The Academic Choir of Minho University (CAUM) is a non-profit cultural association founded in January 1989


Prague Summer Choral Meeting 2016: Coral Lucentina, Spain


Coral Lucentina, Spain Conductor: Víctor Nájera Sánchez The choir was founded in 1956. The name „Coral Lucentina“ acquires international resonance following their participation in the International Competition of Habaneras and Polyphony in…

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