Od autora praguefestival

Auspices of Mr. Petr Pavel, Czech President


We are very proud to announce that our festival will be held under auspices of President of Czech Republic Mr. Petr Pavel


Galgaley Dance Netaniya from Israel


We are thrilled to announce the dynamic presence of Galgaley Dance Netaniya from Israel at our upcoming event! Get ready to be amazed by their electrifying dance performances and vibrant cultural expressions. With their graceful movements,…


Partners Group Kyustendi from Bulgaria


Comprising talented individuals from various backgrounds, the Partners Group Kyustendi from Bulgaria is a fusion of artistic excellence, cultural diversity, and harmonious collaboration. Prepare to be enthralled by their captivating…


St. Barbara Guild of Maarheeze, the Netherlands


Known for their deep-rooted traditions and dedication to preserving cultural heritage, the St. Barbara Guild of Maarheeze from the Netherlands is set to mesmerize the audience with their captivating performances. From their colorful costumes…

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