Od autora praguefestival

Austrian Folk Dance Group from Styria


Vorauer Sing- und Tanzlkranzl to present folklore from south of Austria


Volkstanzgruppe Hollenstedt und Umgebung von 1981 e.V


Volkstanzgruppe Hollenstedt und Umgebung von 1981 e.V - representing Germany at Prague Folklore Days 2017


Groupe folklorique Le Vieux-Salvan


Swiss folklore from Valais will be represented at Prague Folklore Days 2017 by Groupe folklorique Le Vieux-Salvan


Auspices of City of Prague


The Councellor for Culture of the City of Prague has confirmed the official Auspices of the City of Prague to our festival. Beware of all the copycat "festivals" organized by Balkan agencies that give you no guarantee and pretend to be our…

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